Maine House Photos

Photos associated with Maine house

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Maine House Photos

Post by jtaylor »

Pictures received from Andy "Mid A 15"
Additional pictures from 1976 to 1984 from John Shippen - 22nd Oct 05

Click on images for bigger versions:-

Maine A Leavers 1968:-

Maine A 1966:-

Maine A 1976:-

Maine A 1978:-

Maine A 1981:-

Maine A 1982:-

Maine A 1983:-

Maine A 1984:-
Last edited by jtaylor on Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Julian Taylor-Gadd
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Mid A 15
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Post by Mid A 15 »


Thanks for posting the pictures.

Younger readers might spot a familiar face in the 1968 photo.
Ma A, Mid A 65 -72
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Post by jhopgood »

I assume the 1966 photo was Michaelmas term, which was the first term that Maine and Barnes were junior Houses. Up to the summer of 1966 there were still the remnants of the mixed house still in Barnes and Maine
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Post by Mid A 15 »

No the 1966 photo was taken in the Summer term. Maine A became a junior house in the Michaelmas term of 1966.
Ma A, Mid A 65 -72
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Post by jhopgood »

I stand corrected.
Its just that I saw no older boys whom I might have recognised, and although my memory fails on detail, I thought the prep were the only ones to have a master accompany them when they marched in.
I had expected to see Geoff Fordham or Lloyd in the line up, although maybe they were already down the other end of the Avenue.
I always claim I was the last and most senior male to leave Barnes B for the outside world.
John Hopgood
Barnes B 1959 - 1966
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Post by Mid A 15 »

Geoff Fordham is the one dressed in flannels and blazer front right of the photo.

Robin Pratt (brother of Graham and Michael) is another monitor identifiable at the front of the picture.
Ma A, Mid A 65 -72
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Post by jhopgood »

I was always bad at recognising people by their right ear.
Do you have recollections of a raid we made when in our escape we ran across a new table tennis table that was still on the floor?
I think Maine A got some of our breeches at some stage and it was a return visit, led by Arthur Parker and Geoff Neuss.
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Post by Mid A 15 »

No I can't say I do recall the raid you refer to.

My recollections of interaction with Barnes B concern highly competitive and physical games of asphalt football, using the drainpipes on each house as goals. The teams comprised all ages from monitors down to squits and the aforementioned Lloyd and Fordham usually got our team together.

The tradition continued when both Maine A and Barnes B became junior houses and in the Michaelmas term of 1966 I got carted off to Crawley Hospital with a broken wrist courtesy of asphalt football against Barnes B.

These days, looking at more modern photos, the asphalt between the houses seems chocablock with cars so maybe such informal rivalry no longer exists.
Ma A, Mid A 65 -72
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Post by Great Plum »

The cars were just used as obstacles...

on my juniors we had some big games of British Bulldog on the green space between Maine and the Sicker...
Maine B - 1992-95 Maine A 1995-99
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Post by jtaylor »

Additional pictures added, kind contributions from John Shippen.
Maine A 1976,78,81,82,83,84
Julian Taylor-Gadd
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Post by Sergiu Panaite »

I have a photo of Maine B (not just leavers) from 2001 I think - however, I've got to scan it first. And it won't be that spectacular anyway :)
LaB '97-'98, MaA '98-'99, MaB '99-'01, GrE '01-'02 - confused?
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Post by geoff »

Yes I think the person in the blazer is me. But the youngest Pratt was Martin.

Geoff F
Prep B, Ma A, Peele B, 1959-1966
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Post by Mid A 15 »

geoff wrote:Yes I think the person in the blazer is me. But the youngest Pratt was Martin.

Geoff F
Prep B, Ma A, Peele B, 1959-1966
Yes, now you mention it, the youngest Pratt was Martin. I stand corrected!

I have "fond" :wink: memories of you or Lloyd accompanying me round loops, miles and double miles on a bike which I've mentioned elsewhere on the forum. Those punishments must have done me some good as I've done a few marathons and half marathons in my time.

I can also remember you reading us books such as the "Midwich Cuckoos" by John Wyndham and "Animal Farm" by George Orwell before lights out.

You and John Lloyd were the monitors that I most remember as a "squit" in Maine A as, like me, you were both keen on football.

Are you in contact with John Lloyd at all?
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Post by AKAP »

"I always claim I was the last and most senior male to leave Barnes B for the outside world.
John Hopgood
Barnes B 1959 - 1966"

Now about some of those miles and double miles you gave me :axe:
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Post by jhopgood »

AKAP wrote:jhopgood
"I always claim I was the last and most senior male to leave Barnes B for the outside world.
John Hopgood
Barnes B 1959 - 1966"

Now about some of those miles and double miles you gave me :axe:
You'll have to be more specific on your identity.
My recollection is that D.R. Fisher was dayroom monitor and always managed to give around 90 punishments per term. I had more relaxerd responsibilities, so relaxed that I can't remember what I did have to do, and as a result gave very few punishments. My favourite as dormitory monitor, was to threaten everyone with a sit down for the first person to misbehave. When someone inevitably did, everyone got a hour sitdown on their settles in the dormitory, after which I had no trouble at all. Hence very few punishments. Not very fair but a comination of carrying out my threat and peer pressure meant that I had a quiet time.

My brother claims I gave him more punishments than I gave to all of the rest of the house, but then he deserved it.

If you were in Barnes B you may rememnber the plague of mice, which was traced to my brothers locker, where he had stuffed his blazer and some food, and the mice had made their nest. He deserved all he got for that.
Barnes B 25 (59 - 66)
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