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Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2012 5:00 pm
by cupcakemom
I saw this on the CH Parents' Forum - thought it perhaps deserved a wider audience ...

"A Donation Governor is hoping to present a child from the Lincolnshire area – does anyone have any contacts or know of families who might be interested in applying to CH from this area? If so please can they email"

Hope it helps someone.

Donation Governor

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:40 pm
by kerrensimmonds
Not Lincolnshire, but I am Donation Governor, representing the corporate scheme set up several years ago to support a daughter/granddaughter of a Hertford Old Blue through the school. As time goes on we should lose the Hertford tag and say that the scheme looks to support the daughter or granddaughter of a female Old Blue. We have had two girls through the school since the scheme started (including last year's Band Captain, Georgia), have two in the school at the moment and a fifth child withdrew at the start of her second year, a couple of years ago. The trouble for me is that there were apparently NO suitable applicants to the school, for admission in 2012, satisfying our criteria. So as a Donation Governor I am still waiting to support someone. If you know of a family which fits our criteria, please do let me know. I would love to be able to present someone for 2013.

Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:38 pm
by cupcakemom
Oh, I hope you find someone. My DD was lucky enough to be presented by the Worshipful Company of Grocers and we will be forever in their debt. She has flourished beyond belief during her first year at CH and now her future is very bright. She's been home for a couple of weeks but clearly misses her friends, school and the physical and mental challenges.

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 3:37 pm
by Vonny
kerrensimmonds wrote: If you know of a family which fits our criteria, please do let me know. I would love to be able to present someone for 2013.
What is the criteria? Is it literally that the child must be a daughter/granddaughter of an Old Blue?

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 6:36 pm
by kerrensimmonds
Yes, Vonny. And not only that, but a female Old Blue. Officially, the scheme was set up to provie support for the daughter or granddaughter of a 'Hertford Old Girl', but as time moves on that becomes less likely to achieve - so without consulting the organising committee (of which I am a member) I am extending it to cover the daughter or granddaughter of any female Old Blue, including one who was educated at Horsham. This is about supporting girl children who are descended from CH girls......Maybe we could and even should extend it to great granddaughters????

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2012 9:42 pm
by Vonny
Thanks Kerren.
My youngest is due to start secondary school in 2013. She's very bright and has been doing maths lessons with 4 year 6 children who are finding year 6 maths too easy. She's year 5. She most certainly does not get that skill from me lol. I am sure she would love CH. But there are so many things to consider. One being that her elder sister is at the local school. She is in an "accelerated learning" class so is also doing well but claims she wouldn't have wanted to go to boarding school. Her opinion would possibly change if her youngest sister were to go to CH though. After reading the posts on here about the cost of CH these days I just don't think we would be able to afford it.
I know this might sound a silly question but if a child is presented do they get a proportion of their fees paid for? Or all the fees? What other role does a Donation Governor have?

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 8:39 am
by CHDad
I think you have to choose the right school for the child rather than insist they all atend the same school. I have two daughters who attended our local comprehensive because that is where they wanted to go and they have been happy there and are doing well. CH seemed to suit my son, he was desperate to go there and he is enjoying all aspects of schhol life there. The boarding "routine" at CH seems to suit him (now he is used to it) and he works hard and plays hard (sport). I will never know for certain of course, but I dont think he would have flourished as much if he had gone to the same school as his sisters.

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:52 am
by kerrensimmonds
The role of the Donation Governor, Vonny, is to ease the path to admission. All applicants are examined in the autumn, and of those only a proportion gets through to the residential assessment in January. A threshold standard is set for admission, and a fixed number of children will get through. All those who are supported by a Donation Governor are automatically admitted provided they reach the threshold standard. The remaining number of places is awarded on a competitive basis. All who gain admission are then means tested, to determine the fees to be paid in each case. So, sorry, a Donation Governor does not contribute to the fees levied for their presentee's place. Although many are generous and may contribute, for instance, to sports kit or whatever. Good luck! If CH is right for your daughter then you should consider applying - and yes, she would be eligible for presentation under our scheme.

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 5:26 pm
by Vonny
Thanks for that Kerren.

Next question.......... is there anywhere that gives info on fees payable so I can estimate how much we might pay?

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 6:59 pm
by kerrensimmonds
Hi Vonny
I think there is a calculator on the CH main website which would enable you to do a rough calculation of the fees you might be asked to pay. It is the lovely Lucy (I've seen your Facebook photographs!) who you might want to present to CH?

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:13 pm
by Vonny
kerrensimmonds wrote:Hi Vonny
I think there is a calculator on the CH main website which would enable you to do a rough calculation of the fees you might be asked to pay.
Thanks - I will take a look.
kerrensimmonds wrote: It is the lovely Lucy (I've seen your Facebook photographs!) who you might want to present to CH?
Yes it is! :)

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2012 7:18 pm
by kerrensimmonds
And don't be put off by the huge sums on the front page (these apply to full fee paying pupils). Click on Bursaries, where there is a comprehensive chart.....
Good luck.

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:11 am
by Jo
kerrensimmonds wrote:So, sorry, a Donation Governor does not contribute to the fees levied for their presentee's place.
Gulp....I've completely misunderstood then. I'm contributing to the Hertford collective scheme, so what exactly am I contributing to? I thought I was helping to pay for a place at CH :shock:

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:32 am
by pinkhebe
Jo wrote:
kerrensimmonds wrote:So, sorry, a Donation Governor does not contribute to the fees levied for their presentee's place.
Gulp....I've completely misunderstood then. I'm contributing to the Hertford collective scheme, so what exactly am I contributing to? I thought I was helping to pay for a place at CH :shock:

I've always assumed that a donation governor would make up the shortfall in fees, after the bursery was given? Kind of takes the pressure off the school to find the money.

Re: Lincolnshire Donation Governor

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:03 am
Hopefully Kerren will give a definative explanation. I always thought a donation governor makes a donation to the school and therby is given the right to nominate a child. The donation just goes in the big pot.