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Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:41 pm
by ben ashton
I'm a Team Leader at Sainsbury's at the moment ( yeh I drift around many jobs 8) ) so anyone got any questions or comments about the company, good or bad? :)

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 9:06 pm
by Angela Woodford
Hey Ben, I really like the Sainsbury's magazine!

Glossy, interesting, lots of lovely recipes and makes me feel like I'm a real Queen Bee, domestic wonder, fab homemaker, whizzo mother... er, I'm not really, but why not read the mag and feel that way for a little while? :roll:

Plus, it's remarkably good value for a big shiny magazine!

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:54 am
by fra828
Ben, I love those witty comments on the 'basics' range of products, eg on pineapple pieces, (only 13p! ) : 'all sizes under the sun ' and on pickled onions: 'still pleases cheeses.' Oh dear that sounds a bit sad, as if I've got nothing to do all day but look at quips on tins! :lol: but the prices for this range are brilliant and often just as good quality as the standard price produce.

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:07 pm
by Katharine
When are they going to reach North West Wales?

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:07 pm
by anniexf
Why doesn't my branch stock falafels any more? :x
Why do all the checkout ladies call me "darling" and "love"?
Why are the half-price toys always in an aisle that's too small for more than 2 scrummaging parents/ grandparents at a time?
Hang on, there's more ...

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 2:52 pm
by LongGone
Katharine wrote:When are they going to reach North West Wales?
Or New England?

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:59 pm
by englishangel
anniexf wrote:Why doesn't my branch stock falafels any more? :x
Why do all the checkout ladies call me "darling" and "love"?
Why are the half-price toys always in an aisle that's too small for more than 2 scrummaging parents/ grandparents at a time?
Hang on, there's more ...
It's a Brummie thing. In the North East it's 'pet'.

At work I always try and answer the phone with a smile. This appears to make some people (mainly men) think I am an airhead and they call me 'darling' in a very patronising manner. And I think "I am NOT your darling" and don't take their details. With some folk it is clearly how they address everyone, and I take no offence. There is on tradesman we use and he addressed me as 'darlin', and I told him I was not and he has never done it again.

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:13 pm
by Mid A 15
When I go to watch Charlton Athletic play the (female) programme seller I invariably buy from calls me "Babe"

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 4:18 pm
by Angela Woodford
Mid A 15 wrote:When I go to watch Charlton Athletic play the (female) programme seller I invariably buy from calls me "Babe"

:lol: :lol: :lol: How lovely!

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 5:25 pm
by englishangel
Mid A 15 wrote:When I go to watch Charlton Athletic play the (female) programme seller I invariably buy from calls me "Babe"
and are you one?

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 6:21 pm
by jhopgood
Mid A 15 wrote:When I go to watch Charlton Athletic play the (female) programme seller I invariably buy from calls me "Babe"
Next time I am in the Valley, point her out, as I could do with some cheering up.

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:19 pm
by ben ashton
I'll keep an eye out for info on welsh matters :p

falafels=well what's your nearest branch?

Basics can be good, especially the Produce (fruit +veg) [my department 8)]

tomorrow is promo change btw! which happens once every four weeks. so lots of new offers to look out for :p

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:43 pm
by sejintenej
englishangel wrote: At work I always try and answer the phone with a smile. This appears to make some people (mainly men) think I am an airhead and they call me 'darling' in a very patronising manner. And I think "I am NOT your darling" and don't take their details. With some folk it is clearly how they address everyone, and I take no offence. There is on tradesman we use and he addressed me as 'darlin', and I told him I was not and he has never done it again.
That trick of smiling as you talk seems to change the voice slightly giving it a/an (even more) friendly effect which makes it psychologically more difficult for the other person to get too angry. Marvellous when the client has a bone to pick!!!
Darling, babe etc.; I have had that come back to me and once (at least) I have reacted along the lines of "babe, I never realised you cared - which hotel shall we go to?" I had spoken to the woman on many occasions and guessed I could get away with it - she laughed her head off!
Doesn't worry me a bit if the person doesn't know when to use proper business-like language. Incidentally, with check-out people and others whose names are visible I will always find a way to use their name when speaking to them ; there is a best seller by a supermarket checkout woman describing all the insults and rudeness they have to endure - I hope I brighten up someone's day just a tad.

Sainsbury's? I have had the odd complaint or thirty (like no prices on veg or, on one occasion two widely differing prices for the same item) but there is a competitor which is far worse. Just make sure you stock aspic crystals for me ( and don't say you don't know what they are like that supermarket manager)!

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 10:30 am
by J.R.
We really only have a choice of TWO supermarkets in Leafy Dorking - Sainsbury's or Waitrose.

I like both, but can't afford to do a 'main' shop at Waitrose.

Mr gripe with Sainsbury's, is the massive introduction of these new style self-servive checkouts, which I simply REFUSE to use.

When J Sainsbury's reduce their prices to match the number of checkout staff made redundant, I MIGHT consider using this system !

(Grumpy old-man speak !!)

Re: Sainsbury's

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:52 am
Can't say --- won't tell.

I am committed -- by TBA -- to Tescoid's, every Friday morning, 9.30 to 10.30
Big super-store, acres of parking , good prices,

BUT why, the Blue Blazes, do they keep moving the produce around !

Last week, Marmite was with "Jam" and we never DID find Pecan nuts !!

Does this happen in Sainsburi's -- if so, why ?

I am always amazed, at how the "Staff" seem to know -- "Aisle 21 Sir, at the lower shelves "