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Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:32 pm
by bap
No, not the military kind...

I've acquired two tattoos in the last 9 years - both are relevant to me, discrete and tasteful and I may well have more in the coming years. It strikes me that this is not the sort of thing a decent OB should do; do any other members of the forum either have tattos or strong opinions about them?

Lights blue touch-paper and retires...

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 1:48 pm
by Mid A 15
bap wrote:No, not the military kind...

I've acquired two tattoos in the last 9 years - both are relevant to me, discrete and tasteful and I may well have more in the coming years. It strikes me that this is not the sort of thing a decent OB should do; do any other members of the forum either have tattos or strong opinions about them?

Lights blue touch-paper and retires...

I would not presume to tell an ADULT what to do or not do when it comes to decorating his or her own body.

However I personally do not like the look of them and thus you will gather that I don't have any myself.

Furthermore I remember as a small boy my grandfather telling me how he regretted getting his tattoo when a young man in the Royal Navy as he carried it for life and could not get it removed. I realise that removal techniques may well have improved since then.

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:20 pm
by Ajarn Philip
bap wrote:Lights blue touch-paper and retires...
Not entirely sure why you think this topic is controversial. I have no problem with someone deciding to get a tattoo. Hell, I live in Tattoo Central. I think the modern designs look rather fetching on a well-toned young (18-35 say) person. Unfortunately, well-toned young people tend to forget/ignore the fact that one day they'll be old and flabby - that's when they just look daft.

Seems fairly straightforward to me.

"I'm Popeye the Sailor Man, parp, parp...."

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 2:30 pm
by Vonny
I don't have any. I personally don't like to see them on women and not overly keen on them on men either. One on the arm I guess I could cope with! On a man that is!

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 7:09 pm
by sejintenej
I can just about accept a girl having a barbed wire (or similar) ring around an ankle but not much more. I don't have any myself - what should I put where? OK you - I certainly am not going to advertise those types of skills for the benefit of every girl passing by.

If it were to become "normal" I would accept sensitive people having life-related medical info (diabetes for example) tatooed in a suitable place.

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2009 10:07 pm
by Kim2s70-77
There was a tattoo parlour near my office, in Kentucky, called 'Tattoo Charlie's". It always amused me that the motto in the window read "Tattoos while-you-wait". Is there another way??

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 7:25 pm
by blondie95
i think tattoos on women are not very nice, on a man it depends on the man and the tattoo....take david beckham he still looks good despite the arm covered in ink.
However cheryl cole has a band round her thigh and i think it looks very cheap.

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 4:20 pm
by loringa
Obviously entirely a matter of personal choice but anyone choosing to get a visible tattoo needs to be aware that they will be judged as a result, however unfairly. They also start to look pretty awful on people as they age and a good percentage appear to regret them. Certainly not my cup of tea and I've survived nearly 30 years in the Royal navy without acquiring one. I think the biggest problem is that people often get them to assert their individuality but too often they just become one of the crowd. They scream 'look at me' but what one sees is too often just one more of the herd.

At work they are generally referred to as tw@ttoos!

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 7:02 pm
by Jo
I can't justify it objectively, but I just hate them. Tacky and vulgar......ack!! Especially the arse antlers that young women were sporting a few years ago, that appeared above waistbands (and G strings) as they bent over. :vom:

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2009 11:43 pm
by Kim2s70-77
Jo wrote:I can't justify it objectively, but I just hate them. Tacky and vulgar......ack!! Especially the arse antlers that young women were sporting a few years ago, that appeared above waistbands (and G strings) as they bent over. :vom:

I had heard the expression "Tramp Stamp" - but never "Arse Antlers"!!! Rofl!! Nice one, Jo!!

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 10:22 am
by englishangel
I have just received an email from a friend entitled "Holiday Highlights" which has some lovely pictures of tattoos. Some of you will reciveit, if anyone else wants it I need your email address.

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2009 2:10 pm
by John Knight
My Mother had small tattoos on her forearms, done in the late 1920s...
She really regretted it in later life.. would not talk about it, only to say 'don't do it' and always wore long gloves when in evening dress.

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 2:03 pm
by J.R.
Personally, I'm not a lover of body art.

HOWEVER..... Eldest GD and eldest daughter have several very tasteful, (some large) arty feminine tattoo's which get displayed when they play football !

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:14 pm
I do find a small tatoo in the nape of a woman's back rather exciting and do enjoy also some things down at the ankle: :oops:

Re: Tattoos anybody?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:22 am
by bap
I like tattoos generally but I really like to see extreme tattoos, piercings, scarification, etc. on others; I live near Brighton and it can be a real eye opener to see people displaying themselves and their "art" - truly compelling.

Of course many of these things are ill-advised but what really fascinates me is tattoos above the neck and the expanding hole in the ear lobe. There's an eastern european labourer in Canary Wharf at the moment who has a "tribal" tattoo across his bald head and his face - extraordinary!