The Blue Proposals

Air your views regarding the CH Old Blues' Association, what it's delivering and what it should/could deliver. A chance to get your voice heard on what you'd like from YOUR Association...

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Ian Stannard
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Post by Ian Stannard »

I would be delighted to include a brief article about this new forum. As a member of staff involved in the Club vs Association debate, I applaud this initiative as an outstanding means of drawing together the views of current and past students and staff. ( i use the word staff deliberately as they will also find this asn interesting site to browse if they knew it existed)

One thing I would suggest though is that you are careful to avoid turning it into a forum for setling scores! I see no evidence of this but if it is used as a Bash CH (no harm in constructive criticism!) site then it will come under some pressure,

If you want to read satire, some of which is definitively anti CH, then I suggest you contact the editor of Lousey. I disagree with a lot of their comments but defend their right to make them.
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Post by FrogBoxed »

Ian Stannard wrote:I would be delighted to include a brief article about this new forum. As a member of staff involved in the Club vs Association debate, I applaud this initiative as an outstanding means of drawing together the views of current and past students and staff. ( i use the word staff deliberately as they will also find this asn interesting site to browse if they knew it existed)
Hurrah, good on INS! And do spread the word, I'm sure many of us would welcome current and past members of staff joining the fun!
Ian Stannard wrote:One thing I would suggest though is that you are careful to avoid turning it into a forum for setling scores! I see no evidence of this but if it is used as a Bash CH (no harm in constructive criticism!) site then it will come under some pressure

I don't think that would ever happen. Personal scores have long since been settled (or simply forgotten!) and although a tiny minority of people will have hated their time at CH (Horsham and/or Hertford), the vast majority of us, are using this forum as a place to reminisce.

I, for one, had forgotten many of the "good bits" of my time at CH, and this forum has brought many a smile to my face (and caused several laughs, to the bemusement of anyone nearby!) as I rediscover the odd customs and in-jokes.

Even taking into account the rose-tinted, 20-20 hindsight (!) the good bits far, far outweighed the bad bits and this forum has done a great job of reaffirming that.
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Post by Great Plum »

I think the main thing that needs to be taken into consideration by both the Blue and the CH Club/Association is their relavance to OB's under the age of 40.
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Post by jtaylor »

Ian Stannard wrote:One thing I would suggest though is that you are careful to avoid turning it into a forum for setling scores! I see no evidence of this but if it is used as a Bash CH (no harm in constructive criticism!) site then it will come under some pressure
I completely agree with this, and will be moderating (in as limited a way as possible) the content as appropriate. I'm keen that the forum become a place for overwhelmingly POSITIVE involvement in CH, and not as a place for a slanging-match, as the aim is to further the positive ethos of CH, and what it is there to achieve.
I will aim to use the moderation (with some help from Simon - thanks!) to reflect the overwhelming desires of the majority on here, which certainly seem positive.

I would hope that the CH staff see it as a positive means of contributing to that, regardless of whether they're Old Blues themselves, or not.

I look forward to more views and input from the staff, as that'll enrich the content I'm sure.

Julian Taylor-Gadd
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Ian Stannard
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Post by Ian Stannard »

I agree with the point made about appealing to the recent OB. The new foramt should, I hope, address this. The Club was weakened in the end by the fact that it became associated with retired OBs and hence alienated its new OB recruits. This may not be fair but it is the impression that I got from my time with the Committee, none of whom left the school in the 1990's.
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The Blue - the view of a Wrinkly Blue

Post by DavebytheSea »

Hey, what about us extremely ancient Old Blues then?

I was sorry to see the House Notes go - not that I ever understood the more recent ones! - but I found the whole melange of Music, Theatre, Chapel, Sport etc etc as well as the Old Blue section gave the full flavour of what Christ's Hospital stands for today as well as a sense of reassurance about the enduring values of the school. Of course, I never read every page (who does other than the Editor?) but some pieces were interesting and some were ideally suited for just dipping!

Yes, I am happy to join the INS panel of proof readers if any are still required. The ease of web communications is such that this can be carried out effectively even if you live in Cornwall though I shall be visiting CH from time to time to spy on my son Jonathan when he starts in September.
David Eastburn (Prep B and Mid A 1947-55)
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The Old Blue

Post by jhopgood »

As Editor of the OB section of the Blue and of the future Old Blue, I should really have got involved in this forum a long time ago, but....

I left CH in 1966 and the UK in 1973 and still live abroad so I am in limited contact with both CH and the UK. This is good in that I have no hang ups about what should be in the Blue, nor in changing it to bring it more in line with what people want; and bad, in that I have no recent contact with CH and could well have difficulties in relating to perceived problems. As an occasional visitor it seems to have changed little physically (I don't get lost), and people seems happy and friendly, but there appears to be a political undercurrent of which I was unaware when I was there.
Over the years there have been numerous attempts to involve younger generations of OB's but with noticeable lack of success.
All new ideas will be gratefully received, and if appropriate, published. Positive, practical ideas please. I reserve the right not to print unjustified tirades against CH or similar.
If you look at the earlier Blues (late 1890's) ananymous critical letters did appear but I prefer people not to hide behind the veil of anonimity.
There is also a larger audience out there and we don't want to turn off people who have the means to provide financial support to CH.

Those who have looked at the OB section have probably seen little change over the years, and the recent survey confirmed that the sections are in line with the present reader profile's requirements. But the Old Blue will go out to all OB's (7,000) as opposed to CH club members (3,500), so I need to know what people want and then get them to write in about it.
Not an easy task with an invisible, non reactive audience.
The next Blue will be out in May and the first OLD Blue towards the end of the year.
This is a first salvo to see if there is any interest out there.
Over to you.
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Post by QB_DeRuyter »

Ian Stannard wrote:Having just read the funny but sometimes cutting recent editions of Lousey, I need to mend some bridges with people who clearly have an axe to grind (sometimes at my expense).
am a regular reader of the Lousey! Magazine, I really don’t believe these bridges, It something that proves an (extremely) alternative and fairly witty slant of the school aspect, and has been going on for years.

In my belief we should have as many newsletters, bulletins, magazine as possible, it gives us all a better incite into the happenings in the school. You have to face the fact that the entire student body at CH is not unified in their opinion. And if their medium of speech is shut down or dampened, its just going to be destroying their freedom of speech. I think it helps them express a creative side to them, and this should be nurtured, so they should be left alone.

Ok not all their opinion is agree with, but it is still pretty amusing, and the time they spend doing it I’m sure keeps them out of a bit of trouble. So I Say - Let it carry on, it gives us all the view. Any way Lousey! is always to be read with a salt shaker at your side!
Oli DeRuyter - Thornton B 1997- 2003 / Grecians West 2003 -2004
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Post by DavebytheSea »

Don't forget us geriatric Old Blues, please! A number of us (up to the age of 75, I think) have been regular contributors to Julian's splendid forum. The mix of fond reminiscence, humour (sometimes hilarious, occasionally slightly risqué), historical memorabilia, current news and advance notices, limericks, discussion and debate etc.etc has made it into the lively forum it is. Surely this is an indicator that it is possible to produce an attractive and vibrant compendium of Housey life which appeals to all ages. It only becomes dull when it becomes a mere catalogue of happenings - tho' even happenings can be made to come alive.

My only disappointment is that INS seems to have ignored my response to his earlier appeal for help in proofing etc. We pre-lapsarian Blues do at least have some extra time on our hands to put at the school's disposal. No doubt, it was the style or content of my submissions to this forum that have made him somewhat wary!
David Eastburn (Prep B and Mid A 1947-55)
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