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Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:32 pm
by Ineedacoffee
Very disappointed. Our 2nd former daughter found out tonight (before bed) that she was not "chosen" to go on Cologne trip. 2 girls in her house were chosen. 3 were not. One did not apply. This trip should be offered to all or not at all. We scurried to get the £100 pounds required and got paperwork in Sunday night the 10th. It was required by Wednesday the 13th. We did everything letter required. And on time. Not right. Full stop.

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:28 am
by Atticus
I totally agree, Ineedacoffee. My daughter was also not one if the 'chosen' ones. One girl in her house was, the other 4 were not. They all sent their forms and cheques in and were very excited about it when they came back from half term.

I am very angry about it. There was no indication either in the letter or the talk given to the children in their assembly that there would have to be a 'name pulled out of a hat' selection process. German is compulsory for all the children next year, and ALL the children who expressed an interest should be allowed to go. End of!

It would be easy enough for the school to run another date for those children who have been deeply disappointed, as my dd and her friends are, and I think that this is what the school should do.

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 11:14 am
by ailurophile
I'm afraid the words "couldn't organise a p*ss up in a brewery" all too often spring to mind in relation to CH.

We received a letter from the school yesterday informing us that DS will be going on his DofE silver expedition next Wednesday after his final GCSE exam (when we had previously been told that he would be expected to come home), and asking us to sign a permission slip and send a cheque for £30 to cover costs by return of post. The letter begins "Dear parents, I hope this will not come as a complete surprise to you..."
Grr. Not only has it come as a complete surprise, but DS currently has no decent walking boots that fit, and has gone back to school without any lightweight waterproof clothing - all of which we could have sorted out over half term with sufficient notice. I am not a happy bunny.

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 2:14 pm
by pinkhebe
I had no idea that it was a lottery, I haven't heard anything from my son about it (only exam results which vary greatly - no revision done here over half term :roll: ), I'll ask him later.

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:08 pm
by MW224
I agree totally. It is so not right. The letter we received never mentioned there was a limited amount of spaces available. Ofcourse it should never have been offered if not able to take all those who have handed in their forms and money. Why on earth can there not be 2 trips? My DS and 2 of his house mates were 'drawn out of a hat' and are going, but instead of feeling excited they feel uncomfortable as some of their house mates cannot go, so the whole 'looking forward thing' is not going to happen. Words fail me to express my amazement at the way this has been 'organised'. How very un-German, let's face it!

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 9:34 am
by Volupturaptor
My daughter had told me that it was "First come, first served. There are only 30 places..." but as you all say, there was no mention of this in the letter, so to be honest, I wondered if she'd got it right. Obviously she did, partly. If the money and paperwork was handed in on Sunday evening, it will have been among the first to arrive, so it must have been a random thing. But how cruel. And why demand payment from everyone, whether they can go or not? As for us, I never did apply anyway, too much money, too short a notice, passport or not. :(

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:34 am
by pinkhebe
I asked my son about this today, he has no idea whether he is going or not :roll: ... ifted.html this is so my son!

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:54 pm
by Volupturaptor
pinkhebe wrote:I asked my son about this today, he has no idea whether he is going or not :roll: ... ifted.html this is so my son!
That looks quite familiar to me too...

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 11:00 pm
by SAS
I asked my son about this today, he has no idea whether he is going or not ... ifted.html this is so my son!
Ohhhh......I do that quite often, much to the amusement of my children. Not sure it makes me gifted though!

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:36 am
by lippizaner
I have a very old friend who lives in Cologne. It does sound like a fun trip but maybe not that educational. I have put my DS down for the trip to France that was offered to the 2nd form (a one day one again to Calais) even though he lives in France, because, as a friend pointed out, it will make great bonding and he could make friends out of his house as he will probably be the only one except for the french teachers who will be able to talk at the places they visit. Investment in bonding for him.

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 3:50 pm
by wickedwitch
Just cant afford it! Maybe next year.

Re: 3rd form German trip

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 8:57 pm
by pinkhebe
According to my son :wink: They are offering another German trip to those who were unsuccessful, in the Spring. I assume they won't be visiting the Xmas markets though!