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Re: civvy clothes

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 12:15 pm
by wurzel
Craig will remember

Pre Girls at Horsham everything went to laundry and was provided by school, underwear, pyjamas, towels and was cooked by the old school laundry down by the swimming pool/station ( shoes were also provided and re-heeled/soled by school). During the merger this changed and also the girls obviously arrived with their own underwear etc which didn't like boil washing - so each girls house had a washing machine - i think during the 1st year post merger 3 or the 4 (Barnes A7B, Col A&B) went up in flames needing fire brigade attention due to over use (they were domestic machines each serving 50 girls) and smalls getting between drum and seal.

I remember stories of incredible insurance claims relating to those fires as well (people home/possessions insurance not the schools).

we used to have films etc but junior houses (2nd form to LE + 1/2 of the UF) were uniform only with only UF allowed own jumper and senior houses was uniform until tea on Saturday. I believe the only other option was cricket whites and blazer in summer

Having been brought up in Horsham and having a brother at Tambridge after i left CH I have to say i think penguin bashing was a tad overplayed - worse period as far as i am aware was before i went in mid-late 70's.

Re: civvy clothes

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:57 pm
by Great Plum
I never actually came across an instance of penguin bashing... if anything, I think CH pupils probably baited the Horsham kids...

Re: civvy clothes

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:37 pm
Again ---- in the "Dark Ages" we didn't go into Horsham.
The School was terrified of introducing infection, I can understand this, because, in those days, with no Penicillin, and not much defence against Viruses, their only so;ution was the Isolation Hospital.----- now the Museum.--During the War, this was used as a Store for surplus food --- and was bombed !

Can you imagine the joy of unlimited PEACHES ???? -- I don't know how many tins were damaged, --- but did we care ?

Re: civvy clothes

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:57 pm
by wickedwitch
our nursemaid said to bring something 'discoish' with her civvies. We're packing two pairs jeans, 6 tops, 2 jumpers and a variety of tights and frilly skirts. I'm tagging everything and will risk the boil wash except for her disco tutu!


Re: civvy clothes

Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 10:45 pm
by Great Plum
That sounds about right re the disco... I knew friends of mine in girls houses that were horrified by what some of the 11 year olds would wear to the junior discos!!