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Re: rugby socks

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:11 am
An observation, from the "Stone Age " ------ do "Cotton Oxford" rugby boots still exist ?
I had a new pair, every year, until I stopped playing regularly.
I last wore them in South Africa ---- at the age of 40 !!! :oops:

The Cotton shop, was a small place, down a side street from the "Camera" -- but famous, the world over.

End of nostalgia ! :lol:

Re: rugby socks

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 2:49 pm
by wurzel
Cotton Oxford definitely exist for clothing but have not seen their boots for years. Most of the children at my childrens' rugby club seem to have Kooga boots and considering the abuse they get they seem to last well. My daughter has just finally killed a pair that did her an entire 1st season of contact rugby playing as prop having previously having lasted her brother a year playing on the wing. we got them from the clubs kit shop for about £20 i would expect most rugby clubs have a similar kit shop and it is worth investigating it as a source of kit as generally more knowledgeable staff (i.e. one of the club members).

One other thing do not expect to get 8 stud boots at under about size 6 they will be 6 stud (4 front 2 back) and don't ever ever consider football blades for rugby as I don't know in the school but in club rugby some/many ref's will not allow them on the pitch so might not be wearable for school fixtures