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Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:00 pm
by juicymum
Lippi,I have been following your story with keen interest and praying that your ds will pass. I am so happy for you. I went through the same feelings 2 years ago and now my ds is in his second year He enjoys the school so much and has blossomed into a fine young man. It was difficult leaving him for the residential but as CH Dad said they did enjoy theirselves and made friendships which are stil going strong. On his first day I was a nervous wreck and was in tears the whole day. My ds could not wait to rush way with his nursemaid,and the rest is :D :D :D :D :D .I think I miss him more than he misses me. The sad thing is unfortunately I have to go through the same thng again next year for dd :(
I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and wishing you the best.

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:20 pm
by J.R.
Mrs C. wrote:there`s a new Travelodge in Horsham town centre if that`s any use

............ and only a few seconds walk from a fantastic hostelry that does cheap, good food and drink if you want a break from hotel incarceration..


Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 3:21 pm
by lippizaner
Hi JR. Thanks for that, what is it called as we will be at a loose end Thursday evening and wondering where to eat. Is there good parking, as like I said, we have chosen the Five Oaks at Billingshurst Travelodge.

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:00 pm
by J.R.
The Lynd Cross.

(See Link)

OK - It's a JD Wetherspoons, but it is right in the centre of Horsham. As I said, cheap, but the food is great and the general atmosphere is good.

Jan and I use it for lunch about once a month when we pop down to shop. Parking is 2 minutes walk.

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:10 pm
by jaknat2828
Hi there, I'm still hanging around the forum, though I swore I wouldn't but have been waiting to see how 'Lipizaner's DS got on and congratulatiuons to you both, you must be thrilled. I am still walking around very depressed by the whole thing, and though I was always aware that the boys application was a long shot I have to say I was counting on it.
The boys were both allegedly level 5, articulate and with excellent reports from their school, and Head, and we met the socio/economic criteria that CH is supposed to be there to help. Complete poster boys for CH or so I thought. I guess they must have both completely messed up on the day???? Do they not take in to consideration the children's background/requirements at this stag?????.
My problem being that next year I will no longer have any type of family assistance with the boys and as my job takes me away for 48hrs per wekk, I shall have to resign after 20years, then the economic fun will really begin!!!
Obviously I wanted everything that CH can offer our children but the 'need' was also there. Still life goes on as they say, just not sure how to pull myself out of this one, and where to go next!!!!

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:19 pm
by J.R.
jaknat2828 wrote:Hi there, I'm still hanging around the forum, though I swore I wouldn't but have been waiting to see how 'Lipizaner's DS got on and congratulatiuons to you both, you must be thrilled. I am still walking around very depressed by the whole thing, and though I was always aware that the boys application was a long shot I have to say I was counting on it.
The boys were both allegedly level 5, articulate and with excellent reports from their school, and Head, and we met the socio/economic criteria that CH is supposed to be there to help. Complete poster boys for CH or so I thought. I guess they must have both completely messed up on the day???? Do they not take in to consideration the children's background/requirements at this stag?????.
My problem being that next year I will no longer have any type of family assistance with the boys and as my job takes me away for 48hrs per wekk, I shall have to resign after 20years, then the economic fun will really begin!!!
Obviously I wanted everything that CH can offer our children but the 'need' was also there. Still life goes on as they say, just not sure how to pull myself out of this one, and where to go next!!!!

I find that SO sad in this day and age when we are supposed to be a caring nation.

Trouble is, we spend far too much aiding foreign countries, some of whom don't even need it, (India, one case in point).

Then there's all the 'asylum-seekers', (and I use that term in it's loosest possible sense). We must make sure they benefit from a good quality of life, musn't we ?

:oops: :evil: :twisted:

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 5:14 pm
by DavidRawlins
One major problem is that the number of boys at CH has halved over the last 30-40 years, though the number of girls has gone up. It is all down to money. The endownment is not sufficient to keep up numbers, especially as the children are now looked after to a much higher standard. I, and many Old Blues, would like to see the numbers rise again. We must hope that the appeal is very succesful, and help as much as we can. One is always sorry for those who are disappointed. If cash were unlimited the school could double in size as it responded to need.

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 6:48 pm
by matthews301
i am the same as you .. my child a high level 5(a) good school report ( in facct his head teacher was an old blue) and knew what this could do for my child having been and gone myself i thought my child fitted ch totally . he has so much talent his thirst for knowledge know no bounds .. remember when he was 7 he said mum i want to work in that big buliding with the flashing light .. ( canary walf) and to this day it is all he dreams off.. crossing my fingers for further future applications .. waiting on news for 2 selective schools . .. and sent applications off for other schools today

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2011 9:53 pm
by lippizaner
I wish your DS luck with his ambition and the results from his other two schools. Which ones are they?

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:27 am
by matthews301
lippizaner wrote:I wish your DS luck with his ambition and the results from his other two schools. Which ones are they?
queen elizabeth barnet ( exam 2nd dec)
westminster. ( entry 13)

have a few more up my sleeve :lol: .. all we can do is try .. although all these registeration fees are getting rather costly i guess its knowing when to stop .. i think ill set a limit x

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 9:49 am
by CHDad
There is a state boarding school near us The Royal Alexander and Albert School which may be of interest especially if you are definitely looking for a boarding school

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:04 am
by lippizaner
I did look at state boarding myself a while back. I think the one you quote is the only one that does it for children before the age of eleven, but even so, the costs for just the boarding are quite high, and therefore out of the range of lots of parents who post on here I think. Certainly they were out of our range, and when we looked there were no bursaries available. The tuition is free of course.

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 7:21 pm
by matthews301
i try to find ones with a good percentage of fees baing paid we wouldnt be able to cover the full cost so helps needed .. good thing that some tell you what you can get before you apply for the exam so thats good ( still not ch though) :(
ill check that other school out, does any one know if city of london grants bursarys ekk should i talk about other schools on here ..
state schools where i am are not good and its not just that i think getting to the schools well its a rough journey thats why i was looking for boarding x

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 9:43 am
by matthews301
Im so happy .. although my ds didtn get a place at latymer either his standardised score was 104 and they took children with 106 and above .. 104 is such a great achievement for a competitive over subsribed only selective school in the whole borough and im grinning from ear some times i guess it really is the taking part that counts .x

Re: Initial Assessment

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 1:08 pm
by lippizaner
Well done to your DS for that. Interesting that they give you the child's score. Luckily yours was a good one - would you really want to tell your child they had got a really bad score - I wouldn't! I guess you could keep it secret if they did. But well done anyway.