Does anyone on this forum go to church?

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Chris Blewett
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by Chris Blewett »

Alan P5age wrote:
Fjgrogan wrote:Polygamy seems to be acceptable too!
Indeed :lol:
Last word to Jamey. Just a shame all this was later beaten out of him. ... re=related

And if anybody thinks this beautiful little soul deserves to be burning in hell, then, irrespective of bible verses you use to justify yourself, you are to be pitied.
I am sorry, but as, I believe, a good Christian,------- not only pitied -- but given a good thumping !! Bigots like that, do Christianity, no good !
From "Zealots" ---- of any Faith -- good Lord preserv us.

I did say to our Rector "I will turn the other cheek --- but you only get two shots -- and after that you are floored !"

She explained to me, with a twinkle in her eye, that it wasn't QUITE what it meant !

(Her Daughter went to CH )

Neill I really agree with the zealot comment - I have been lucky enough to talk and meet with Muslims (including Imans), members of the Jewish Faith (including Rabbis) and have had a number of really interesting conversations. None of us (I hope) felt threatened by the other's point of view or beliefs and we certainly didn't agree with everything the others thought but we talked. That I believe is the answer - once you take an entrenched point of view then there is no moving forward. As to 'gays' - well I believe that God put us all on this world for a reason - so he must have a plan for those of a different of a different sexual viewpoint. As an aside - I have had more support, understanding and loving care over a number of years from 'gays' than I have from 'straights'!
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by J.R. »

As I've said before, I have absolutely no problem with anybodys sexuality. In fact, a few of my drinking buddies are gay, and I spent yesterday afternoon with the whole of the Dorking Ladies football team. (You can draw your own conclusions).

What does rather p1ss me off, is all these so called 'Gay-Pride' meetings marches and festivals. Why do they need them ?

Perhap Jan and I should organise a march in Surrey to demonstrate our our heterosexuality ? Worth a thought !!
John Rutley. Prep B & Coleridge B. 1958-1963.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by sejintenej »

J.R. wrote: Perhap Jan and I should organise a march in Surrey to demonstrate our our heterosexuality ? Worth a thought !!
You know as well as me that the police would never issue the necessary permission. That would be far to sexist to be allowed and unless some of the organising committee are ***** it would also be considered either racist or religionist (depending on the *****)
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?


You will by now, have realised why I am "Notorious" (It was TBA's choice ! )

I do believe that, as we get older, our attitudes become more "Entrenched" the dreaded start to a comment -- "In my time" --- Ba B 1940--1946
I DO try to avoid using it on this Forum -- but it is tempting ! :lol:

BTW -- I was born in the City of London (Police Quarters), so I am a "Native" if not (I think) a Freeman ! :?
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by Fjgrogan »

Alan, thank you for posting this link. I shall follow it with interest. Sadly my only contact with the late Dean of Southwark Colin Slee was a very acrimonious one, when I was training as a Reader at Southwark Cathedral and had the temerity to take a cup of coffee into the newly opened part of the extension - he was convinced that I would spill coffee on his new carpet!! I was really not aware that he was apparently such a nice chap! I also know his successor who is to be installed next weekend as Dean of Southwark - he really is a nice guy - he was Warden of Readers whilst I was training, and very good at pastoral care.
Frances Grogan (Haley) 6's 1956 - 62

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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by Katharine »

Apparently Jeffrey John is a Welsh speaker and, according to rumour, was being considered for Bangor Diocese a couple of years ago, needless to say, he wasn't elected. Here in the Church in Wales election of Bishops is done with participation of clerical and lay representatives from all 7 dioceses, more from the vacant see. I think all the Bishops are also involved. After a Communion Service all the electors are shut into the Cathedral and told to get on with it! Although I like the new Bishop I would have been glad to welcome Jeffrey John. As a diocese I think we have a higher proportion of women priests than any other in Wales, including a female Dean, the first in Wales.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by Fjgrogan »

Alan - I think you mean 'What God has joined together may no man put asunder'!
Frances Grogan (Haley) 6's 1956 - 62

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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by Fjgrogan »

It's the galloping senility - I've had it for years; something to do with being married for 44 years to a husband whom I am forbidden to divorce?!
Frances Grogan (Haley) 6's 1956 - 62

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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by anniexf »

"Judge not, that ye be not judged" is something the Bible-bashers always conveniently overlook. Though I must confess to a strong tendency to be judgmental in certain situations. Not this one though. For goodness sake, live and let live. Great link, Alan.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by Chris Blewett »

I've just caught up with this divorce argument. Can I first of all declare an interest - according to Gospel I am assured of eternal damnation as I have divorced and remarried twice! I seem to recall in the Old Testament (but cant put my finger on it at the moment) that it was permissible to divorce your wife and remarry. So, when did the you cant divorce ruling come in? I have also had a few very interesting meetings over the last 20 years with 2 Diocesan Directors of Ordinands to discuss a calling to the priesthood (its really freaky to wake in a Friary in the middle of the night to a voice saying 'You are to be a priest of mine'). Both (interestingly one male and one female DDO) appeared highly threatened by the fact that I had remarried and then showed absolutely no support or pastoral care for me. So.... a Church that preaches 'Judge nor lest ye be judged' has cast my calling aside and judged me!

I am just beginning to realise that actually we are all Priests if we are called by Him to do His will
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by jhopgood »

Alan P5age wrote:This caught my eye today however: ... meron.html

And I was reminded of the fact that many Christians also felt the same way about slavery in the 19th century:

So I was not too discouraged. What seems to be a historical legacy at one age can be seen as ruthless injustice in another. All it takes is a step of faith. Interesting to note that Quakers were amongst the first to oppose slavery. Just as they are among the first to support Gay Marriage. If you want to know which way the wind's a gonna blow watch the Quakers :lol:
I am reading "Being a Quaker" and have just tried to explain some of the philosophy to the Jehovah's Witnesses who have just knocked on my door.
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by icomefromalanddownunder »

God's law? Man's law: put in place to serve individual interest?

If one considers how the CoE came about, it's a wee bit difficult (for me, at least) to take any of their 'rules' as gospel, as it were.

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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by sejintenej »

icomefromalanddownunder wrote:God's law? Man's law: put in place to serve individual interest?

If one considers how the CoE came about, it's a wee bit difficult (for me, at least) to take any of their 'rules' as gospel, as it were.
I can see where you are coming from; my immediate reaction was that this is an RC reaction but I don't think that is fair. I didn't learn much history so I don't know if the original cause of the C of E was
a) 'enery wanted a fresh bit'a totty or
b) he needed an heir or
c) he wanted the church's money or
d) a bit of each.
IMHO it doesn't matter.
I am far more of the opinion that everything goes back to the first to third centuries AD when the fellas wanted to control everything so they dumped any works which would put women on a par with them. For example, Jesus' wife Mary Magdalene was made into a scarlet woman instead of one of Jesus' closest disciples (OK that is contentious) Ergo much of the bible is a biased view with anything which the original leaders didn't approve of being committed to the pyre.

Man's law? God's law? Judaism seems male controlled so is the story of the ten commandments pukka? At least the commandments seem gender neutral but I do wonder if their interpretation is as neutral.
Incidentally I was reading a story about a group who have only two laws:
-- "If it harms none, then do it.
---Protect the weak from the strong."
Seems to make more sense than the ten commandments with all their exceptions (like it is OK to kill in self defence.........)
What happens if a politician drowns in a river? That is pollution.
What happens if all of them drown? That is solution!!!
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by icomefromalanddownunder »

sejintenej wrote:
Incidentally I was reading a story about a group who have only two laws:
-- "If it harms none, then do it.
---Protect the weak from the strong."
Seems to make more sense than the ten commandments with all their exceptions (like it is OK to kill in self defence.........)
I like this. Where do I sign up :)
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Re: Does anyone on this forum go to church?

Post by J.R. »

jhopgood wrote:
Alan P5age wrote:This caught my eye today however: ... meron.html

And I was reminded of the fact that many Christians also felt the same way about slavery in the 19th century:

So I was not too discouraged. What seems to be a historical legacy at one age can be seen as ruthless injustice in another. All it takes is a step of faith. Interesting to note that Quakers were amongst the first to oppose slavery. Just as they are among the first to support Gay Marriage. If you want to know which way the wind's a gonna blow watch the Quakers :lol:
I am reading "Being a Quaker" and have just tried to explain some of the philosophy to the Jehovah's Witnesses who have just knocked on my door.

I wouldn't mind being a Quaker - They always get their Oats, allegedly !

John Rutley. Prep B & Coleridge B. 1958-1963.
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