New blog on Christ's Hospital

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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital


Chris Blewett wrote:
Mid A 15 wrote:
Chris Blewett wrote:Just a little out of the box thinking - I suppose that the 'author' (and it is described as a 'story') is actually writing 'fact' rather than 'fiction' and having just re-read this 'blog' it could be seen as being a little short on facts that can be checked... for instance no actual description of the school or boarding houses or structure of the school. A few interesting facts - like 'tuck' - which could be guessed at by anyone.

This is by no means an attack on the blog - but I do hope that we are not falling for some sort of hoax which may have a sting in the tail in the future.

Oh and another little oddity..... the 'blog' appears to be from a 12 year old boy..... yet the person posting on this Forum appears to have a real name of Sally S - I suppose the 'author' could be writing from a male stand point or may even have witnessed things happening to a boy or it may just be the conspiracy theorist in me!
You're posting as Chris Blewett but you are in fact Miss Marple :wink:
Are you saying I'm old and female!!!! :D

Mais non -- mesuire Poirot ! (Sorry --- only do German or Italian !)

Actualll I, also, have been having my doubts ! --- on a geographical note -- the "Tuck" lockers in Ba B in the 40s were in the entrance hall.
The room opposie the stone staircase was the "Boot Room" !
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by Ajarn Philip »

SAS wrote:The writer of the blog is registered on the forum as CHblogspot and gives no other information and no "real" name. Like Chri Blewett, I am unsure as to the validity of the blog. Seems weird that he/she joined seemingly in order to make the post, and has only made one other post since; a reply to someone asking when he was at CH.
I quite agree - this is what I posted in back in July:
Ajarn Philip wrote:I think you're all being very generous. In that spirit I'll restrict myself to recommending the use of paragraphs and talcum powder.
A healthy scepticism is a very useful defensive weapon on the internet...
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by asha23 »

I for one can confirm that in the early 80's in Maine A, bullying was rife. It's the only thing that would put me off sending my kids to CH.

Sounds like they really don't have a lid on things.
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by YadaYada »

"I for one can confirm that in the early 80's in Maine A, bullying was rife. "

The early 80s was 30 years ago. Yes, bullying goes on - it does in all schools - but I can confirm from personal experience that it is dealt with robustly at CH.
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by pinkhebe »

very robustly
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital


The greatest moral disapprovement in Ba B 9n the 40s was ------ We don't DO THAT !
A remark directed by (Usually Seniors) at anyone who overstepped the mark, of what was considered CH Traditions or practice.

I know of, at least, one case, when it happenened in my time -- and involved bullying !
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by lippizaner »

As the parent of a little boy about to start at CH in September, I have read all through this post, and I went and read the blog. I am inclined to wonder at its veracity, as some other posters have also been. The blogger claims to have aspirations to become a writer, and to have been at CH after the year 2000, which would make him 23 at the most. If he truly was at CH then he doesn't seem to have learned an awful lot.
The way the blog leaps into the bullying straight away is strange, the lack of facts is even stranger. If you were genuinely writing a memoir of your time at CH, surely you would begin at the beginning with how you found the school, first impressions etc.
There is no apparent structure to this piece of writing, no paragraphing etc and some of the phraseology is very poor. If this person truly wishes to become a writer, I would advise him not to give up his day job.
The lack of actualy concrete facts is suspicious, because, as someone earlier suggested, anyone could take a guess at bullying in any school. There is nothing in this blog to suggest this is a genuine ex CH pupil writing.
I may be wrong, but the actual piece suggests otherwise.
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by Foureyes »

I advise great care concerning this blog. There have been several instances in the past in which, for reasons best known to themselves, non-Old Blues infiltrated the CH Forum and it took some time to see them off. Having read the blog carefully, there are many elements which just don'r ring true. Even so, were the blogger to emerge from his/her anonymity and offer at least some hard facts - if not their name, at least the house, perhaps, or the year of arriving/leaving - then it might be taken more seriously.
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by jtaylor »

Foureyes wrote:I advise great care concerning this blog. There have been several instances in the past in which, for reasons best known to themselves, non-Old Blues infiltrated the CH Forum and it took some time to see them off. Having read the blog carefully, there are many elements which just don'r ring true. Even so, were the blogger to emerge from his/her anonymity and offer at least some hard facts - if not their name, at least the house, perhaps, or the year of arriving/leaving - then it might be taken more seriously.
Agreed - to be read with care.....
Julian Taylor-Gadd
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Re: New blog on Christ's Hospital

Post by jtaylor »

[Comment from forum admin:- This post/blog should be read with caution. The veracity of the details, and the motivations behind the post, have been questioned by a number of people in the topic. Please cautious with passing judgement about CH, the ethos, or the information portrayed by this blog. Julian Taylor, Forum Founder, 19th Mar 2012.]

Locking this topic, until original poster contacts me. Need convincing on the veracity of this post/blog.
PM me with questions.

Julian Taylor-Gadd
Leigh Hunt 1985-1992
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