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Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:45 pm
by Tim_MaA_MidB
Does anyone else use this annoying creation?

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:42 pm
by Angela Woodford
Tim! You might like to look at Katharine's thread!

"Face Book. What Am I Missing?" Last November. I love the way Katharine calls it "Face Book". So.... dignified!

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:49 pm
by Mid A 15
Tim_MaA_MidB wrote:Does anyone else use this annoying creation?
Yes and no.

By that I mean that I set up a pseudonym to play a prank on one of my daughters. I then discovered a couple of "groups" which were of interest and posted on them.

However I have the princely total of 4 friends. What I find sinister about it is, despite using a pseudonym, I receive suggestions that I become facebook friends with people from this forum!

Please don't interpret "sinister" as casting aspersions on fellow forum members! I just find it of concern that,despite my pseudonym, they can still come up with "real" people I "know" if only via cyberspace.

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 3:00 pm
by Angela Woodford
I'm going to apply to be your Facebook friend, Andrew. Hooray!

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:11 pm
by englishangel
Mid A 15 wrote:
Tim_MaA_MidB wrote:Does anyone else use this annoying creation?
Yes and no.

By that I mean that I set up a pseudonym to play a prank on one of my daughters. I then discovered a couple of "groups" which were of interest and posted on them.

However I have the princely total of 4 friends. What I find sinister about it is, despite using a pseudonym, I receive suggestions that I become facebook friends with people from this forum!

Please don't interpret "sinister" as casting aspersions on fellow forum members! I just find it of concern that,despite my pseudonym, they can still come up with "real" people I "know" if only via cyberspace.
That is probably because they are in your email address book. I get some, and I also get totally random people who I have no idea about, from places like Colorado!

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:03 pm
by Jo
I love Facebook. I couldn't see the point at first, but someone persuaded me a couple of years ago and I look at it all the time. Can't see the point of the games, hugs, virtual presents etc though - I just like reading friends' status updates and comments, and looking at photos.

I use an excellent utility called FB Purity that allows you to selectively block Facebook stuff you don't want to see - specific apps, games, people posting URLs etc. Facebook itself is a bit all or nothing but FB Purity really allows you to customise what you see, which makes the whole thing much more manageable.

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 11:04 pm
by englishangel
Don't know about Purity, you can just 'hide' what you don't want to see. My bro-in-law doesn't even have a wall.

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:48 am
by sejintenej
I do have a rarely used page; it is used almost exclusively for messaging with someone who seems to have an aversion to e-mail. Stupid thing is that otherwise she is intelligent - a masters that I know of (whilst her husband has a doctorate from Swansea), multilingually fluent (at least South American Spanish, French, English and at least two versions of Catalan / Gascon), ex-ballerina, amateur opera singer and can she cook ................ ooaaaaaaaaaah! and she still seems to prefer facebook!

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:38 am
by J.R.
Jan does.

I know Matt does, coz through one of his posts, I got addicted to helping Jan out, down on the farm.

That game is highly addictive.

Oh, Sean does farming as well.

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:52 pm
by Angela Woodford
I lead a reclusive life here in Devon.

How lovely to enjoy a daily conversation with HOGOFs, friends and family all on one page!

A bit like the party I always want to have, but never will otherwise!

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 9:25 pm
by Mrs C.
I have a page too - it`s so easy to see what interesting (and some not quite so interesting!!) things people are doing- but I must admit I like the photos best! Love seeing everyone`s holiday and family snaps!!

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:30 am
by englishangel
When I was at university we didn't have a phone at home, and I am an appalling letter writer so the only times my parents knew I was actually alive was when they got a postcard about 3 days before the end of term "Put the kettle on for 3pm on Wednesday" or similar.

Looking back as a parent now myself it must have been awful for my parents. After the Birmingham pub bombings in 1973 they sent a letter asking if I was all right (Mum's brother was a cop and had to pick up the 'pieces').

I blithely wrote back that of course I was, I never went drinking in the city centre.

Husband and I joined FB when daughter went to University thinking that she would be an awful communicator, but in fact she rang us twice a week or so anyway. Nice to know she was enjoying herself and was healthy though - her marks told the story of working hard too.

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 10:00 am
by MKM
Angela Woodford wrote:I lead a reclusive life here in Devon.

How lovely to enjoy a daily conversation with HOGOFs, friends and family all on one page!

A bit like the party I always want to have, but never will otherwise!
I joined the HOGOF group on facebook some time ago, but there seems to be very little on it, and nothing since April. What am I doing wrong? Could there be more than one HOGOF group?

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:33 pm
by mvgrogan
I'm always on FB - It's a great way to keep up with friends & family without making much effort! I can see what all my cousins are up to without actually having to talk to them!

I agree about photos... always good for a giggle.

In fact I have 2 profiles - one for my friends & family in Finland and one for everyone else... I often duplicate some info but it helps keep clients & colleagues seperate. I even had to move one friend from one to the other recently!! :lol:

Re: Facebook.

Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:43 am
by Requested Removal 18
I have found it a really useful tool for getting back in touch with a lot of "lost" friends and old school buddies. I also found that by posting old CH photos on the group I set up (see link on my signature) it increased the interest in the recent 20-year reunion. As such I would like to think that through Faceache I have rekindled some old friendships between other people than myself which can only be a good thing :)

PS I don't play Farmingville (or whatever it's called) as I think it's actually better to do something real rather than sit at the computer all day...