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Paintings in Chapel - Frank Brangwyn

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 11:29 am
Please let me know if you have any stories, memories or any other information on the 16 mural paintings in the school chapel. I am currently writing a 15,000 word university dissertation (History of Art, St Andrews) at the moment based on the social impact of the works and so would love to hear any snippets of info about the works. To jolt your memory they are bright and cartoon-like panels charting the story of Christianity. Most people (because of where they sat) may only have memories of one or two panels yet this is exactly what Im interested in! Please get in touch. (Or if you have any photographs of the works or chapel services where the panels are visible, let me know)
Guy Vesey

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 11:51 am
by Great Plum
Guy, did you not sit on the same side of chior as me? Actually, where you in chior - I can't remember now - anyway, the side where I sat, the picture shows someone with 4 arms - apparently, he put these sort of 'mistakes' in as quirks to keep the pupils amused during boring sermons!

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 7:38 pm
by jtaylor
I'm sure there was an organist with five fingers and thumb in one of them?

I've got a DVD (converted from old Betamax TV recordings!) of a number of the televised CH services (Highway with Harry Secombe(spelling?) and the 11th Nov Rememberance service from 1990?)
I'm sure the pictures are quite visible on those in places.
Happy to provide a copy of the DVD, but it would cost I'm afraid as it'd cost me to make one (don't have DVD copying facility) and I'm loath to let it out of my sight - cost me a fortune to get it converted from betamax!!

Happy to help if I can though.


Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:02 pm
by jtaylor
palgsm93 wrote:
jtaylor wrote:I'm sure there was an organist with five fingers and thumb in one of them?
Yeah, I spent a good 5 years staring at that one. Would I be right in saying the organist reminded me of The Hunchback of Notre Dame?
Yes, but MUCH uglier!


Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 10:34 am
Well, They are canvases attached to the wall, which are in the mural style. Brangwyn’s great wish was that they should be marouflaged onto the walls to become full murals - I suppose I am just honouring his wishes! -Thanks for the feedback.

Most People seem to remember that organist, one teacher at school remarked that it reminded her of her father (not sure if I'd admit to that?)

Ps The Museums curator was most distressed that you offered to dig out the cartoons! But thanks for the offer, I had a look at them yesterday and they were quite stunning. It’s a shame that they aren’t seen more often.

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:34 pm
by jtaylor
jtaylor wrote:I'm sure there was an organist with five fingers and thumb in one of them?

I've got a DVD (converted from old Betamax TV recordings!) of a number of the televised CH services (Highway with Harry Secombe(spelling?) and the 11th Nov Rememberance service from 1990?)
I'm sure the pictures are quite visible on those in places.
Happy to provide a copy of the DVD, but it would cost I'm afraid as it'd cost me to make one (don't have DVD copying facility) and I'm loath to let it out of my sight - cost me a fortune to get it converted from betamax!!

Happy to help if I can though.

Update:- Should be ripping these videos off the DVD in the near future, and then posting on the website for of course...

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:13 pm
by Great Plum
GEMV wrote:Well, They are canvases attached to the wall, which are in the mural style. Brangwyn’s great wish was that they should be marouflaged onto the walls to become full murals - I suppose I am just honouring his wishes! -Thanks for the feedback.

Most People seem to remember that organist, one teacher at school remarked that it reminded her of her father (not sure if I'd admit to that?)

Ps The Museums curator was most distressed that you offered to dig out the cartoons! But thanks for the offer, I had a look at them yesterday and they were quite stunning. It’s a shame that they aren’t seen more often.
What does maroflaged mean?

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 3:37 pm
by eloisec
A painting done on canvas and then cemented to a wall or panel.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:23 am
by jtaylor
Just got a mate with some DVD ripping software, so should be sorting that and putting it on the server in the next few days (if I get time - it's taking ages reading all these topics each night!)


Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 9:43 am
by Deb GP
When I first arrived at CH - I hated the Brangwyns. I can't say that they're my favourite painting style - but I grew more fond of them over the years.

They weren't a very good evangelistic tool to me. Although in the years subsequent I've had those "Ah - that's what that picture was about!" moments - although I still can't figure out what that one last on the right was on about - that chap asleep in the woods.

Personally I'd like to have seen what Brangwyn would have made of some of the OT stories. I love the rawness in the pictures that he did do. People who actually look like they "lived" and were "real" (as in the colloquial term - not the matter of existence) instead of the posed, sanitised "holy" pictures that are so often done.

All that bright blue in the pictures was very striking too.

Mistakes - I've often heard about them, but I've never noticed any. Anyone like to elaborate so that next time I'm sat there in chapel (probably when I'm about eighty) - I can look out for them. I heard that Brangwyn made them because he objected being told what to paint by the school - not to give people something to look out for.

And are there any pictures anywhere of the original proposed glass work that was supposed to have been in the Chapel - but was too expensive?

Strange that everyone seems to remember the last picture the most.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:19 pm
by FrogBoxed
Not sure if my PM got to you, Guy, so I'll bring it here instead!

I spent hours pondering the one of the fishing scene. The detail was fascinating... the fish in the baskets were particularly diverting during early morning chapel practise!

I know a couple of members of the Pre-Raphaelite Society* (the PRS is the international society for the study of the lives and art of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - according to their website, anyway :roll: ) who might know something about Brangwyn's links to and work with William Morris.

Want me to see if any of them has any information?

*Just don't ask why... long story!

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 9:29 am
by eloisec
I'm a member of the William Morris Society and various other art/architecture societies, so if you need any info I'll help out if I can. I also did an MA in C19th art/architecture so know a bit :)

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 10:23 am
Im sorry, I'm just getting used to this website! I am so grateful for all the comments. More information about the time Brangwyn spent as an apprentice with Morris would be great, although from what I can read he didn't really enjoy the work that much as he was often being asked to do jobs he didn't want to do! And soon he got itchy feet and set off on his adventures!

I spent some time at CH last week and did some interviews with various people and got some very interesting results. Some people much more observant than they or I expected!

Thanks for the continued help.


Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2005 6:30 pm
by Deb GP
Didn't Brangwyn have a big following in Belgium? (or some other equally non-descript country) with some sort of museum there?

There is some sort of Brangwyn appreciation society in the UK?... I ran into some a few years ago. Maybe they're worth tracking down for info'.

Chapel paintings

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:47 pm
by Laura M
While backpacking around Canada this summer, I found myself in the Manitoba pronvicial parliment building (the tour was free ok!!) and very surprised I was to see a huge Brangwyn painting hanging in one of the main open areas! The painting was reflecting on WW1 and showed soldiers in some kind of wooded surroundings.
I think it is making some king of statement to do with thwe absurdity of war but I can't really remember what the guide said.
I hope that is of some use to you, although you probably already knew about this painting.