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Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:48 am
by John Knight
gemmygemmerson wrote: just say that I got an offer from Oxford if anyone cares, not that many people probably do, but hey..
We all care about you Gemma, you only have to read the 87 pages of this (your) thread to see that...
Congratulations, i'm so pleased for you...

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:31 pm
by midget
Well done Gemma, I too thought of you this morning!

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:54 pm
by Mid A 15
gemmygemmerson wrote:Hi Guys!
I know it has been absolutely ages but I have been so busy with work and school that I havn't had much time, and even then, I suppose posting on here wasn't my top priority in my little spare time :?

Anyway! I just thought I would say Hi to everyone and just say that I got an offer from Oxford if anyone cares, not that many people probably do, but hey..

Delighted to read that Gemma! Congratulations!

It's been a miserable day for me (dropped middle daughter at Gatwick not sure when I'll see her next and just back from watching Charlton lose 2-0) so you've cheered me up with that.

It must have been difficult to leave your peers after 5 years and step into the unknown to some extent.

I'm glad it is working out for you.

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:04 am
by Eruresto
Katharine wrote:Congratulations Gemma - which College? You, of course, had the choice of all unlike me in the dim and distant past! You'll love it there too, I'm sure.
Alan P5age wrote:Give my love to the wonderful village of Iffley. An amazing church there.
My uncle was Rector of Iffley when I was at Oxford not only is the church amazing but so is the Rectory. I think the original Rectory has now become Post-Grad accommodation for Christchurch and the present incumbent lives in somewhat newer accommodation.

Mary - I too thought of Gemma hearing that this morning!
Sounds interesting! I'm passing through (very slowly) Oxford on my way through next year, so may have to check it out! (Oxford also being the location of the one pub on my "official" list of visits)

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 3:58 pm
by Eruresto
Thanks, Alan! Will fire up the Earth when I can, and take a look! I've a feeling Oxford might be one of my more-than-one-day stops...

Nothing definite on the uni front for me yet - I've an interview on the 3rd-4th but that's it...Ah well, at least I didn't have the stress of Oxbridge deadlines to panic me.

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 5:27 pm
by wurzel
Silchester / Dorchester on thames is good. Dorchester basically became local centre after christianity came in. Taking over from Silchester which is thought to have ended up deserted due to die hard roman traditionalists living there until they died away to a hamlet while the go ahead people moved to where the abbey at Dorchester was building a barrier across the road between the 2 at Tadley (Offa's dyke runs down the side of Tadley Rugby Pitch and past AWE Aldermaston).

If you look at the reading uni silchester page they state what days in July/Aug they have open days on the digs (reading uni archeology students have to do a summer dig as part of course plus they sell spaces to Americans).

Also The Bell at Aldworth is worth a visit, where the real Band of brothers were based pre d-day, pub is little changed, good beer and food plus a great little church down the road if you are into that kind of thing

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:59 pm
by Eruresto
Ooh, I'll have to check these out! If only I could get on google earth at CH...ah well. It's funny, the more work I do for this, the more I feel like a 1-man FotR...very odd. If only I could leave on September 22...

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:18 pm
by Great Plum
Eruresto wrote:Thanks, Alan! Will fire up the Earth when I can, and take a look! I've a feeling Oxford might be one of my more-than-one-day stops...

Nothing definite on the uni front for me yet - I've an interview on the 3rd-4th but that's it...Ah well, at least I didn't have the stress of Oxbridge deadlines to panic me.
Have you narrowed down your unis yet Josh?

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:30 pm
by Angela Woodford
Gemma, be sure to check out a marvellous Oxford dress shop called Annabelinda. Very famous - bliss, heaven, too wonderful!

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:02 pm
by Eruresto
@ Matt: Yes; my front rank is Chichester, Cliff College and Durham; then there's Edinburgh in the next rank and Exeter bringing up the rear.

@Alan: I'm not on the Tolkien trail per se, but as Oxford is so deeply steeped in it all I'm stopping through. I can't remember if Birmingham's on my route or not - I think it's too far west but can't remember off-hand.

In fact, just looked it up and no, it's way too far out of my way - I'm basically drawing a beadline from Lincoln to Ely, and going to Birmingham would take me too far out - something like 100 miles extra as the nazgul flies - probably a lot more as the wolf runs...

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:40 pm
by kerrensimmonds
Hope you get your first choice Josh. It's where I work.....if you need any info. or whatever, let me know? Will you be coming for interview/Open Day or anything (maybe you have already been and I missed the chance to say 'hello'?).

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:26 pm
by Eruresto
Chichester's the only place I've been for an open day (as it's the one I can get there and back for under a fiver!). I went to one in half term, and there's a taster day on the 29th January as well. I like Chichester: I know people there, the city is lovely and it's within commuting distance!

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:10 pm
by jtaylor
Josh:- Thanks for spotting me and saying "Hi" yesterday - was great to have a brief chat. Good luck with the final year, exams etc, and do make the most of it.
Re. your travels next year, I live very near Oxford - so give me a shout on your way through, and I'll buy you lunch somewhere.

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 7:11 pm
by englishangel
My niece was going to go to de Montfort after a gap year working in Africa, then took a second year and went back to Africa. She is now at Uni. in London, and from her Facebook pics loving every minute of it.

Re: Deputy Grecian-2007+

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2009 8:30 pm
by kerrensimmonds
Are you lot saying that Josh should not think of Chichester for his higher education? Blimey.. I might take issue with that, given that I am supposed to be responsible for the quality and standard of its courses and we DO rate very highly both in quality terms and in student satisfaction terms. That we are the smallest University in the country makes us vulnerable, yes, but we are fierce about the maintenance of our standards and the quality of the student experience. Rant over!
I am sure that Josh's gap year will introduce a whole new dimension into his thinking about life but if he still has Chichester at the top of his list after that, we would be delighted to welcome him.
Josh.. can you PM me about the taster day? There are two, and neither of them are on the date you suggested! It would still be great to meet you/treat you to coffee or lunch or whatever is convenient for you.